
Our story

The Indigo Pursuit story

Michelle Gleeson is the founder of Indigo Pursuit, and her sole ambition is to support as many women as possible to find a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Moving from Cork to East Lothian, nine years ago, with her husband and four kids, presented many challenges for Michelle.  Leaving behind their extended families, friends,  ‘mommy Helen’ (a nickname that her daughter Rachel had given to her amazing childminder), and all her business networks, the way forward looked like an uphill climb.   She was now also a full-time mum in a strange town with a busy husband.  Feeling she had lost a major part of her identity and independence, the future looked bleak.

She was soon to find out that indeed every cloud does have a silver lining, even if it takes some time for that lining to unfold.  With time Michelle began to realise how much family time she had sacrificed for her career. She reflected a lot on what was important to her now and how her future might look. Determined to forge a way forward that would allow her to continue to develop a career she loved but also spend more time with her family, she followed her long term ambition and studied to become a coach.  Women and their careers were always on the forefront of Michelle’s agenda and in 2013 Indigo Pursuit was founded, a company that was dedicated to just that.

Michelle also has a degree in Business and a Masters in Human Resource Management.  Her thesis in 2009, researched the many reasons as to why there are so few women in senior management positions in Ireland.

She has worked in business in Ireland for most of her working life. She held many senior positions including being a managing director for eight years. Michelle was also one of the founding directors and shareholders of Great Gas Petroleum (Ireland) Plc from 2005 to 2009 at which point the business was sold to London Stock Exchange quoted DCC Plc. Michelle’s key involvement in Great Gas is well covered in a book on the company’s success entitled “The Accidental Entrepreneur; how we turned €3,749 into a €100 million company in three years”.

Michelle understands the importance of ensuring that the job you are in is the one you are most suited to.  She wants to work with you to enable you to regain the love you have lost for your career.

Now is your time

Michelle Gleeson