Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Is it possible to do just one session?
Yes, it is. After the introductory meeting, if you decide one session will be enough for you, then you will be offered the intensive 1.5 hour coaching session. The cost of this session is £95, which includes some online support.
Can I add on more sessions as I go?
Yes, you can. You can add on a session at a time at a cost of £60 per session.
It is recommended that you sign up for at least six sessions. This gives you a better opportunity to successfully plan your career. The regular support and the challenges set by your coach, will allow you to overcome any obstacles in your way.
Where do you coach people?
Coaching takes place at a coffee shop that suits you and your coach. It is helpful if it is not a place you frequently visit as it is better if you are not interrupted.